hire security guards
MOBILE PATROL SERVICE Mobile Security Patrols visit a number of clients premises at varying intervals by vehicle, and are particularly useful where a static guard is not required.
Security Patrols are normally active when businesses and premises are closed such as night times, weekends and holidays. The role of a mobile patrol officer is to prevent loss to clients, regardless of what the cause of that loss may be. Duties may include initial checks to ensure a premises is locked down and secure, alarm response, personnel checks (to ensure staff working later are safe), static guard checks and relief on posts requiring foot patrols, closing of premises such as Laundromats and Hotel pools & gymnasiums, escort for staff to vehicles at late night closing times, surveillance, irregular and random patrols of premises, and response to incidents. Static security officers are located on clients premises for varying periods of time with the function of preventing loss from that property. Examples include after hours guard services at building construction sites, day and night patrols of shopping centres, at the entrance of banks, and property protection after incidents (e.g. damaged windows/doors). Static guard services are normally provided by uniformed officers. Some clients may however require the use of plain clothes security, although these are not generally classified as "Static Guards". Static guards roles may include gate operation and access control, identity checks, vehicle inspections, protection of offices and buildings, cash and valuable guarding, and acting as a visible deterrent against loss. Tricity Security offers a professional range of security services to all its clients and specialise in taking care of each and every client. If you are thinking about changing security providers or simply wanting to compare, we at Tricity Security are more than happy to assist you with your security needs. All you have to do is contact us and we can prepare an obligation free quote.
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