Family Dining Without The Same Experience Every Time

by Jack Terry

There are only so many trips parents can take to a restaurant that features animatronic animals and fifteen different varieties of chicken fingers before they have to find something else, just to preserve their sanity. Although many people think the logical choice is to visit another national chain restaurant where they at least know there is some sort of kid's menu protocol, a better and more rewarding option is to patronize privately run family owned restaurants because of the flexibility they have when creating dishes.

Many restaurants that are family owned businesses typically reflect that family's culture and heritage. It would almost be a cliché if it was not so often the truth, where the recipes they feature came from somebody's grandmother's cookbook. This is certainly a great opportunity to taste authentic Italian or Mexican food, but it also comes with an unspoken bonus: that grandmother knew how to cook for all members of the family, including making dishes for the children.

Everybody has heard the story about the child who refuses to eat anything but macaroni and cheese. The parents, tired of fighting what they see is a losing battle, simply give into that demand every time they go out to eat. The flip side to this is that the child may have developed this habit because the restaurants that the parents frequently take the child to only have three selections for kids. All it takes is one bad experience to turn a kid off of something, and now that child does not have the opportunity to try something new.

Another factor in this situation is the inability to go off the menu at many of the national restaurants. Creativity is not as valued a skill as consistency, and many times, the people working in the kitchen do not have the experience or even the opportunity to deviate from the recipes. A parent may have every desire in the world to try and expand their child's taste buds, but when what to them is a simple request is met with a "I'm sorry, but we can't do that," it becomes clear that their options in such a place is limited.

A restaurant that is unique is going to fight against that trend. Dishes are made predominately from scratch for each customer, meaning the chef can alter the ingredients as need be to accommodate the requests. They can tone down the spice or take off the garnish, and suddenly a whole new world of possibilities opens up for the family.

Dining out as a family is an experience that everyone should enjoy and not simply suffer through. Instead of visiting the same restaurant for the same menu, try visiting a place out of the ordinary, where the kid's menu can be just as extensive as the parents.

About the Author

Jack Terry is a freelance writer who has been writing about the food and beverage industry for over 20 years.

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