Protein Powder – Pack A Punch With Protein Powder!

Protein Powder

by James Franco

You don’t have to be an Arnold Schwarzenegger or a Tony Atlas to know what protein powders are. One of the most widely consumed supplements, protein powders come in multifarious mixes and in different flavors for those who swear by protein-rich diets. Rich in amino acids, protein powders work wonders for bodybuilding activities, highly competitive sports and other athletic endeavors. In modern times, athletes and non-athletes, from all walks of life, have embraced protein powders and included these supplements in their everyday lives. Protein powders are great alternatives to eating protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs and meat and are now becoming a one-stop solution for a number of vegetarians and vegans! Scroll through the article to learn more about the three major types of protein powders and who can benefit from its use.

1) Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein is a water-soluble dairy protein and is a great supplement for those who are generally lactose intolerant. Whey protein powders have great nutritional constituents and help with burning unnecessary fat and improving overall lean muscle. Whey protein mixes make for great post-workout drinks.

2) Casein Protein Powder

Some of the copiously found milk proteins, casein is ideal for heavy-resistance training. Though the different protein powders trigger different functions and have different benefits, casein works like an all-rounder protein and yields the best results in terms of lean muscle and higher metabolic rates.

3) Soy Protein Powder

Soy protein powder spells good news for vegetarians and vegans galore! Not only is it effective for maintaining a slim and trim body, but also greatly reduces the chances of heart disease, by lowering cholesterol levels. Soy protein contains all the essential amino acids required for proper growth and development. Soy protein powder, though a plant-based protein, is as effective as animal and rice protein and is rich in nutrients.

Who Can Use Protein Powders?

Vegans and vegetarians fall short of a lot of protein because their diet plans do not include dairy, meat, chicken, fish and eggs, respectively. For the vegans and vegetarians, plant-based proteins such as soya protein powders, works wonders. Athletes and sportspeople who work out regularly and are a part of competitive sports, need more protein in their systems in order to fuel their workouts and repair damaged tissue or muscle quickly, in the event of an physical injury. Protein shakes or protein powder drinks, before or after a workout is what they should ideally be looking at. Although it may seem unlikely for growing children to require protein powders, there are in fact, a number of baby food supplements and protein powder drink mixes that are targeted at teenagers and the youth. As children grow, their bodies do require more protein for tissue growth, brain and cell development. People who are underweight and are looking to gain some body mass could also introduce protein powder mixes in their diets on a regular basis.

Whether you want to build those muscles or you are looking for a wonder supplement that can quicken tissue repair or boost body mass, there is an ocean of protein powder choices to choose from. Choose your protein powder mixes wisely and get ready to pack a punch!

About the Author

James is a workout freak, Here he is sharing his experiences with different Body building supplements

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