"My, What A Nice Back-End You've Got... Baby!"
First of all, get your mind out of the gutter -- I said "back-end", not "rear-end", O.K.?
You see, today I'm going to teach you about getting "back-end" sales and why you must make them.
And, if you're still struggling with your back-end sales, and you can't seem to nail down "what" to sell as your back-end product, I'm also going to give you a unique mind-set to use, so that by the time we're finished... coming up with a back-end product should be a cinch!
We're going to talk about 3 things:
1. What is a "back-end" sale?
2. Some specific examples of back-end sales! And...
3. How to make a back-end sale even when you think you can't get one! (And why there's ALWAYS a sale to be made!) O.K., so without any further adieu...
What's A Back-End Sale?
A back-end sale is, your "sale after the sale". Meaning, it's what you sell one of your clients or customers, after you've sold them you're "main" service or product.
You see, most people are so possessed with just "getting" a new customer, once your sale is made and your euphoria is gone... you're so excited, you just start thinking about your "next" piece of business and you leave a bunch of money lying on the table by not helping this new customer of yours out, even more.
The truth is, you're not finished with that first customer yet -- not by a long-shot.
What you should be thinking about, is... your "back-end" sale.
In fact, you shouldn't ever think of selling anything unless you've got a back-end sale behind it.
Well, just think about it: What's the toughest time to get money out of someone?
The first time, right?
And what's the easiest time to get money out of someone?
Either the same time they're giving you money or after they've given you money, right?
Back-end sales are the sales you make just after your customer gives you money.
Listen, in business there's very little "low-hanging" fruit to pick off the trees. So please don't leave one of the few opportunities you have to make some "easy money" left lying around unattended, O.K.?
And sometimes, the only low-hanging fruits you get to stretch your arm out and snap off that beautiful bountiful fruit-tree, are called a "back-end" sales or "upsells".
Whenever you sell someone something, always think about another logical sale you can make to your customer, either at the same time (an upsell)... or shortly afterwards (a back-end sale).
Just start getting yourself into that mindset -- re-programming, or re-training your thinking so this becomes your "norm" -- and over time you will become SERIOUSLY wealthier because of it.
Let me show you some specific examples here so you can see what I mean:
Here Are Your Back-End Samples: A few weeks ago I took my older son to the Incubus concert.
Aside from having a fantastic time, sharing some quality father-son "bonding", we were able to teach see some solid back-end marketing being done at the show.
For example, after forking over $70 bucks for the tickets... once we were at the show, I also got the pleasure of droppinganother $35 Dollars on a t-shirt for my son.
If I wanted, I also could've bought a $25 Dollar baseball cap... a $15 Dollar program... and a $20 Dollar CD.
Lucky Me!
My point is... each of these related items being sold at the concession stands are "back-end" sales to the up-front ticket sale. And in actual fact, when it comes down to it... the concert itself, is a back-end sale.
The original sale was made when I bought the Incubus CD in the first place.
As an aside, you want to hear some curious differences between going to a concert today, versus going to one in 1981, which was the year I graduated high school?
Well for starters, when I went to concerts at Madison Square Garden, kids were passing around loose joints.
Now, they're passing around their cell phones and capturing pieces of the concert "live" to show their friends in school tomorrow morning.
Another difference I noticed, was... I never had an opportunity to sit in the "good seats" when I was a kid, and so of course, back then I rationalized... "It didn't matter -- I was there for the music."
But you know what? The truth is, 4th row center really is better than the nosebleed section!
Anyway, let's take a look at a couple more "back-end" examples.
Here's one: Ever buy something online, and then a week-or-so later, you get a coupon e-mailed to you, or a notice about a sale on a "similar" item?
Of course, right?
Well, that's your "back-end" sales pitch?
And it works because you have a tendency to "want" in droves.
For example, if you buy some bodybuilding supplements, chances are you're going to be very open to buying some more "amazing new" supplements or some "unique inside secrets the Russians have been hiding about their strength training", soon after that.
Make sense now?
This all has to do with the 3 Magical Elements you should be using to nail down your offer list, but we'll talk about that next week.
Another example would be when you buy retail items, especially when your sales person gets paid a commission, as opposed to... let's say an hourly department store employee, where you're lucky if they're even conscious or civil.
When you go up to the counter, don't the best sales people try to accessorize your outfit?
Scarf with your blouse ladies? Handcream with your perfume? Tie with your shirt fellas? Appetizer with your frozen margaritas?
Each of these items (the scarf... the handcream... the tie... and the appetizers) are all upsells to your original purchase.
Are you starting to get this concept here a little better?
And what about when you buy a book or a CD on Amazon.com?
You know how, once you put your book into your shopping cart, they show you "people who bought this book also bought..." and then there's a bunch of titles listed?
Well, that "pitch" is a back-end pitch, and it's following all the rules:
They're pitching to you when you're already agreeing to pay them some dough...
They're pitching you a similarly-priced item...
And, they're pitching you a relevant item! If you bought a book on parenting, they're not going to recommend something that has to do with the history of rubber tires in lower Slovenia. They're going to recommend another book to help you raise your little guys.
Think those back-end pitches don't work?
Au contraire...
Let me tell you a little story about those Amazon back-end pitches.
Back in 1988, Joe Simpson wrote a book called "Touching The Void".
Joe was a British mountain climber and "Touching The Void" was his story of the near-death experience he had, while climbing up the Peruvian Andes mountains.
Now even though Joe's book got pretty good reviews, it didn't really sell very many copies, and in fact, 10 years later it was nearly out-of-print.
O.K., now roll the clock forward 11 years later to 1999. Jon Krakauer writes "Into Thin Air", another book about a mountain-climbing tragedy -- this time about a climb that took place in 1996 along Mount Everest.
(And by-the-way... did you know Mount Everest is located in Nepal, which is a small country about half the size of New Mexico, just in between India and China? I didn't know that.)
Anyhow, for whatever reason, Krakauer's book becomes a hit.
All of a sudden, from out of nowhere... Joe Simpson's 11 year-old and for all intents and purposes, "dead" book "Touching The Void"... starts selling again.
But this time it's selling...
Like Hotcakes!
How well did "Touching The Void" start selling this time around?
It sold so well, Random House (the publisher) had to crank out a whole new edition, just to keep up with the demand for the book.
Then because of all the new online activity, offline booksellers began a flurry of new in-store campaigns... and before you know it, it's on the New York Times Bestseller List...
For 14 Freakin' Weeks!
Not bad for a book that was all but written off 6-months earlier, is it?
And how did this happen?
The answer is simple: Amazon.com recommended "Touching The Void" as a back-end sale to people who bought "Into Thin Air".
Incredible, huh?
The moral of the story is... back-end sales and upsells may be the easiest money you're not getting if you're not doing this right!
You must start training your mind to always think of selling, like a "1-2" punch from a heavyweight boxer.
You tag 'em with your jab, and then immediately afterwards, send 'em an solid uppercut, like this: "Front-end, back-end... front-end, back-end... front-end, back-end."
Lastly, let's take a look at...
How to make a back-end sale even when you think you can't make one! (And why there's ALWAYS a sale to be made!)
There are some professions where you think, "Hey, I can't get a back-end sale here -- I can only get one sale because nothing's "left" after that."
Well ye of little faith... come hither... settle down... and listen very closely to what I'm about to say... because what you really need to do is just start looking at things differently.
Sometimes, you need to look at your business, as a series of little "mini-systems" all put together.
When one system ends, another one begins...
Each of your systems are going to have different end-results, but the overall goal is always going to be...
To Stuff More Greenbacks Into Your Fat Little Piggy Bank!
Make sense? Comprende? Comprenez-vous?
Good. I was running out of languages to use.
Anyway, here's an example of what you'd probably think is a traditional "one-shot sale" kind of business, and how you're going to get a back-end product out of it.
I'm talking about the proverbial real estate broker.
Imagine you're a real estate broker. You're probably thinking, "After I sell someone a house, what could I possibly sell them after that?"
Well, you've got a few choices here:
If you look at your business a little differently, you don't look at what you can sell them. Instead, you look at "What other sources of income can you get out of them?"
Referrals for example!
Let's look at the numbers here to see what I'm talking about.
If you sell a home or a condo for $200,000 and you split your 6% commission evenly with another realtor, you wind up making $6,000 Dollars, right?
Now what do most real estate brokers do after their transaction is over?
After they help you buy or sell your home -- if you're LUCKY -- they send you a nice fruit basket that costs $50 bucks, and then every Christmas after that, they send you a cheesy calendar with their picture on it.
And usually when you get the cheesy calenday, you look at it and then you toss it in the garbage.
(Or else you give it to one of your older relatives that either lives in another country, or that you don't really like very much. True?)
But what if instead of doing this, you take 10% of your commission, and buy your clients 2 round-trip airline tickets to Las Vegas, or somehwere else they'd really enjoy going?
And then, instead of the cheesy calendar you send out at Christmas, what if you sent them a monthly newsletter called "Craig Garber's Low-Cost And Easy Two-Minute Tips To Keeping Your Family Home Looking Like A Million-Dollar Estate!" (except you'd put your name on your newsletter and not my name, of course)
Don't you think if you did these 2 things alone, you'd have your clients endorsing you all over town emphatically, each-and-every single opportunity they could?
These folks wouldn't be clients, they'd be hard-core members of your fan club, and ANY time they heard someone wanted a realtor, they'd do absolutely EVERYTHING in their power to make sure it was you.
Plus, what if you reminded them every month in your newsletter, you'd pay them $500 Dollars for every person they referred to you, who ultimately either bought or sold a house using you!
How much of a raving fan would each of your clients be in THAT case?
So you wind up spending $1,100 Dollars to get a new client that's going to put at least another $6,000 Dollars in your pocket!
Sounds like a winner to me, doesn't it?
And, these new clients will be much better than your average run-of-the-mill clients, too. Remember, these clients called on you for your expertise, and they don't need to be "sold" on anything.
They've already been "pre-sold" on you. You've been so heavily endorsed by the people who referred them, they're going to do everything you tell them to do, including working with you exclusively, and you're going to love it.
And here's yet another way you could make some back-end sales. What if you had articles in your monthly written by local people like designers... furniture store managers... pest control operators... caterers... landscape artists... insurance agents... accountants... and other people who could help your clients.
And each of these articles contained a special offer, only for people who read your newsletter.
Then, whenever someone called and used one of those coupons, you'd have an arrangement with the vendor that says you get "X" percent of the gross purchases, or a flat referral fee, or free pest control, or whatever.
See the back-end potential of this "one-shot" business now?
Remember, with a little thought... a hell of a lot of ambition... and a willingness to take action...
Everything's Possible!
Now go sell something.
P.S. Check out all the prior archives you've been missing, right here at: http://www.kingofcopy.com/tips/tiparchives.html
About the Author
Craig Garber is America's Top Direct-Response Copywriter. Uncover hundreds of FREE direct-response copywriting and marketing tips that dramatically boost your sales and lift the response of your marketing, on his website: http://www.kingofcopy.com
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