How to Invest in Real Estate Without Fear ......

Choosing the Right Realtor

by Jack L Zweig PA

The fear of investing in Real Estate is not held by a few, but by many. Will the property we chose appreciate, or depreciate? How do we know which area or area's to purchase in? How long should we hold it? When is the right time to sell? Who should we trust in these decisons? Let us start with the most important question,Who do we Trust? You need to find someone who will be more interested in working within your budget and that dreaded mortgage payment each month, rather then a realtor's commission. You should interview Realtors who have the experience and knowledge in what you are looking for. If you are seeking Pre Construction Properties for example, first questions should be,"Why do you feel this is a good investment? How many Investors are buying this to "flip" or to be the end user? How did you discover this opportunity? Are these contracts assignable? What is unique about this area?" Every property you are considering purchasing, MUST have a niche to it. What is the niche? The niche can be, the only waterfront property within miles, it can be located near an up and coming employment area, it has the best schools in the areas, the values have risen x amount in x years. If you purchase any property with tons of investors and everyone wants to sell at the same time, guess what? It is like the day after Christmas, every one rushes to the store and when you bring it back you get the sale return price not the real value. Many Realtors have no idea about properties they take you to, instead they ask other realtors and read the ads that developers put in newspapers. Why should they make money representing you? Any Realtor that portrays themselves as a specialist, and is not,is like a General Practioner in Medicine saying they are a surgeon. Licensed Realtors should be honored to have someone work with them and treat everyone with the work with anyone who trusts my judgement and believes in me, and that should be the way a Realtor must treat you. It is also very important that you never ever go over your intended budget just because you were led to believe that this is a one and only opportunity. You will begin to feel that affect once the mortgage payments are due! You must have money put aside for family and any emergency that may pop up, rather then providing a hungry Realtor a lofty commission That is Rule 1. In my next article Iwill provide you with Rule 2 in Real Estate Investing without Fear! You may e-mail me if you have any questions and I invite you to listen to my Real Estate Radio program on every Tuesday and Thursday from noon to one pm eastern time, live! Good Real Estate Hunting, and I look forward in helping you establish wealth in this great Real Estate Market!

About the Author

As a Licensed Realtor and Mortgage Broker in Florida, as well as Real Estate Radio and Television host, I am always asked great questions and hear many fears in Real Estate Investing. It's time to set the record straight with these articles and offer my assistance if any questions should arise.

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