How to Never Be Intimidated to Learn Piano Scales and Chords
Pianists of all levels of expertise have been playing scales and learning chords for as long as the piano has existed. Not all those pianists are masters of the instrument. Real people, lay people, beginners, intermediate players and piano enthusiasts of all ages can learn to play chords and scales. You are no exception.
While some online courses downplay the importance of chords and scales and lean toward playing by ear, other courses address the learning experience completely and easily. To play classical piano, online students will need to master chords and scales, but for much of today's contemporary music, it may not be necessary to master these elements.
Learning chords and scales online is a progressive exercise taught by experienced instructors, who will not heap an impossible amount of material on the student and expect you to come back next week with total command of chords and scales. Of course, the flexibility of online courses allows the student to re-visit each lesson as often as desired. The learning curve is a lot lighter when learning through these types of lessons.
Private instructors teach students the basics and send them home to toil for hours over confusing assignments. This outdated instructional plan has caused many a student to reject the piano, even though they would love to learn to play. Online courses are patient, easy to re-visit and while students practice they are a merely click away from the instructor. You get to practice at home, instead of at a stranger's house or store. Learning chords and scales just doesn't get any better than that.
Depending on the student's available time, chords and scales can be learned in several lessons totaling about 20 minutes each exercise. And, they are fun. Students usually refresh their previous learning experiences before moving forward. Helpful support is available through a variety of online resources and, in most cases, through accompanying instructional booklets.
Instead of thinking of chords as mysterious actions performed by magical, natural born musicians, think of the potential learning the chords and scales can unlock. The ability to play any song, any musical composition lies in the magic of the chords. And, just like you, almost every pianist has started from scratch and learned to play chords and scales with ease.
Most online courses allow beginner players to learn the basics quickly. As the student becomes more advanced, more instruction will be imparted. Online piano lessons will familiarize the student with the 88 keys and show how easy it is to get started. It's not super tough to learn how to play the piano. Everyone who is willing to be patient, have fun and practice can unlock a world of joy with online piano courses. Behind those 88 keys is a world of exciting possibilities. Let's get started!
About the Author
Guy Scott has been a private piano instructor for over 15 years. For detailed how to play piano DVD reviews, visit his site at
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