Some Hints to Selecting Keywords
You can grab your client's attention by entering into the conversation going on inside her head. Google can help you to accomplish this and get higher clicks as well, by skillful use of keywords in your ads. One of the premier rules of AdWords management is; capture the attention of more people by bidding on more keywords.
The thing that helps you give your clients satisfaction is showing them that you know what they are thinking. Showing them that you know just what kind of day they had today. That is just what it is to join the conversation that is going on inside your client's head. When you seamlessly enter and communicate using the same words he uses and about the same topics that are important to him, that is when he will listen to you.
The keywords people use come from those conversations in their minds that they are having. If your ad repeats to them the things that they are thinking, then you will spark their interests. By having keywords in the headline and in the body and the URL of your ad, you are using good strong advertising strategies.
The more places in your ad that you have keywords showing up, the better your chances of getting the clicks. That means the headline. That might mean the body of the ad. That even means the display URL. If someone types in "German" or "Learn German," notice how many times they'll see their keyword in this ad:
Want to Learn German?
5 Crucial Principles You Must Know To Master German, and Fast
When powerful AdWords Management equals knowing what people are searching for and sending it right back to them in the form of an ad, where do you look to find what it is they are searching for. How do you find the great keywords and more importantly the keywords that can boost profits?
The best place to start is on Overture's Keyword Selector Tool, You can get an immediate idea of the value of your keywords and their value in relation to each other.
458,579 learn German
103,157 German shepherd
85,210 German
22,970 German dictionary
16,990 German English dictionary
16,294 German translation
15,992 German shepherd dog
14,409 German translator
13,037 German shepherd puppy
11,646 English German dictionary
10,187 German to English
9,810 German to English translation
9,800 German short hair pointer
The List above clearly shows where you will find the money and the traffic. Also clear are the keywords that don't belong on your list.
Without it costing you a penny you now have a clear list of the negative keywords for your list. Negative keywords are keywords you specify that you do not want you ad to show on when people use them in a search. You put them into your keyword list with a negative in front. Like this:
Anytime someone has this word in a search, your ad won't show up.
If you want to know what the keywords will probably cost you to advertise on them head over to Yahoo Resource Center, and select the "Bid stool". Enter your keyword in the search box and you will receive from Overture a list of the prices advertisers pay to sell their products on Yahoo sites. The prices for "learn German" range from 47 cents to a nickel.
This information of course is from Overture, not Google. When this article was written, Yahoo's search pages were determined by bids only. On the other hand, with Google, you can get preferred treatment if you have a better than average click-through-rate. Also on Google the competition and nature of the traffic are not the same.
Not a problem. The Bids Tool is a quick gauge of how good a job advertisers are able to do on making money from their Yahoo clicks. In this case, nobody is willing to pay more than $0.47 per click. That tells you something already. When you compare "learn German," which maxes out at $.47, to "home mortgage," where Overture bids top off at over $4, you've got a sense now of how lucrative the learn - German market is, or is not, going to be for you.
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