The Law of Attraction in the Present Moment of Now
Everything you create in your life is being created in the present moment of now through the process of the law of attraction. You put your attention on your desires in the present moment of now and the law of attraction brings them to you in the present moment of now.
This truly requires your conscious effort, so you need to be awake and aware of the process to receive the benefit but isn't the reward worth the minor effort of the attention it takes? Once again, it is in the understanding of the process that you will be able to seek and find this present moment awareness. Try it right now. Think of one of your desires, imagine the feeling you will have when that desire is attained and then be that feeling and know that what you desire is attained. Hold that feeling. Feel it, be it, right now. Don't just think that you are playing a game or just doing an exercise. Be it. Own it. Know that it is yours right now. Hold that image, that feeling, and smile because you are such a powerful creator. Guess what. Right now, in this very present moment of now, you do possess the object of your desire. The seen or unseen desire that you chose to bring into your reality is right now in your present reality. Can you feel it? If you can't then you are not being it. Relax, enjoy and don't get uptight about it. This isn't a contest. This is you being what you truly are, a creating machine. You are just plugging into the process, except you are plugging into it consciously. Nice and easy now, be and feel that which you desire. Let the feeling flow over you and rejoice about what you are being because you now possess this desire. Wow, doesn't that feel good? Stay with it and know that it is yours. The longer you are able to keep this feeling, in the present moment of now, the longer you possess your desire. If you could consciously hold that being and feeling several times a day, you will begin to know that your desire is moving to you. The universe is at work and because of this concept we call “time” there is a “time lag” between when we put our intentions out (or in) and when they show up in physical reality. The more you stay in the present moment, the more you help the universe in bringing you your desires. The only thing required of you during this time lag between the time that you put your intentions or desire out (or in) there and the time that it is delivered to you is this concept called faith. Faith tells you that you trust the process, and faith combined with gratitude sends a very powerful message to the universe about your understanding and acceptance of the authentic creative abilities you possess. Consciously being in the present moment improves your awareness of what is actually showing up in your life. You have many desires out there (or in here) and they are all jockeying for position to manifest for you. Sometimes they show up at the oddest times and you don't even realize they are there. When you can stay more fully in the present moment, you are able to see your desires when they show up. This present moment awareness is a consciousness level that is just more aware than your normal daily routine level of consciousness. We live at many levels of consciousness as we travel in this human form. By purposely plugging in to this higher level of consciousness that you achieve when you maintain present moment awareness, you remove the filters of judgment, limits, labels, doubt, suspicion and distrust. Being fully present in the now opens you to the higher levels of consciousness and awareness and allows the creative process to unfold before you as you actively acknowledge that what you are being now is what is so. What is so in each and every present moment of now is spirit. Pure spirit resides in the now as the ego resides in the past and the future. The more you stay in the present moment, the more you align with spirit The more you align with spirit, the clearer life becomes to you because spirit is truth and truth is joy and joy is love and love is who you really are. Celebrate the love that you truly are by a conscious effort to hold that space of being in the present moment as much as you can and your understanding of the process of life will blossom to reveal the awesome beauty of your beingness. Hold that feeling but don't be attached to it.
About the Author
Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at:
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