Easy Ways To Quickly Improve Your Memory

by Winston Takeda

Everybody is forgetful. What did I just say? And most people would like to have a better memory. When was the last time you were at some kind of social gathering, and you saw somebody that you just met, yet you couldn't remember their name? This happens to all of us all the time. If there were only an easier way. Maybe you've gone to the store, only to come home to realize you'd forgotten the one thing you went there for. This can be terrible. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to improve your memory. When you practice these on a regular basis, you'll notice your memory getting better every single day.

One of the most important things to realize is that your memory is not passive. Would you passively sit and listen to a lecture in school, and then not study for a test? Of course not. But that's exactly what you do when you learn people's names, or try to remember phone numbers. If you want to remember something, you've got to put in a little bit of effort. Short term memory is called that because everything vanishes after a couple minutes. But when you take the time to remember something, it is stored as long term memory.

A great way to remember something is to create a vivid, mental picture. This will go a long way in helping you recall something later on. For example, if you meet somebody at a party, notice something unique about that person. When they tell you their name, create some mental image connecting their name to that unique thing about them. You don't need to use their name exactly, just a word their name reminds you of. This will be enough to help you recall their name next time you see them.

A great way to remember lists of things is to associate them with parts of your body. For example, if you are remembering a list of things to take to the store, then make a mental image of each one associated with a body part. Remember, you aren't going to describe these images to anybody, so the more crazy you make them, the easier you'll remember them. A tip is to include anything sexual or painful in your pictures. If it's vivid enough, you'll never forget them.

One powerful way to train your memory is to create something called an "ABC List." Just choose any category, like musical instruments, and then think of an instrument for each letter of the alphabet. If you do this once a day, you will be creating a powerful memory trap between your ears.

Naturally, what you eat has a big impact on how strong your memory is. Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Take plenty of vitamins. Avoid eating complex carbohydrates, especially in the afternoon. If you know you are going to need your noggin later on, then make sure to eat some lean protein. Also consider taking some fish oil supplements. These have been known to boost mental power.

When you realize that having a strong memory takes a little bit of effort, you are halfway there. Just do some of these exercises every day, and your mind will become a steel trap in no time.

About the Author

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