There is More to Networking Than Meets the Eye

by Yvonne Weld

So you have printed out your business cards and perfected your elevator speech, gone to several networking functions and still the phone is not ringing. So what, you ask, is the problem? The answer is quite simple, there is more to networking than meets the eye.

Many business owners have the notion that networking is simply showing up at a networking function with plenty of business cards and introducing their business effectively. When things begin to wrong they start to think it is their elevator speech that needs tuning and they work effortlessly to try to get their message across. Instead, if you, as a business owner, want networking to truly work you have to work at it. It takes more than just showing up at the networking functions. Here are some ideas to help you travel the road to successful networking.

Quality not Quantity The person that collects 25 business cards in a two hour networking function is less likely to have a successful connection than the person who collects only 3 business cards. The reason is the person that collected only 3 business cards probably took the time to get to know those three people and develop a connection. Make sure you are networking to make connections and not to build your business card collection.

Take Notes Don’t be afraid to take notes on the back of business cards. This will give you a reference point later on to remember which person gave you which card. This is especially important at functions where you have no choice but to meet several different people. Jotting a little note such as something they said, wore or a physical characteristic of the person can be enough to start a conversation when you follow up at a later date or if you’re trying to jog your memory about a conversation. People are more likely to react to a personalized connection.

Let’s Go For Coffee Take the time to meet with business associates outside of networking functions. Invite the person out for coffee on the premise you would like to learn more about their business. Most people will naturally return the favor and ask you about your business as well.

Remember Extended Networks Just because the person you have met is not someone who is interested in your service or product, please keep in mind the person has an extended network. They also have family, friends and other business associates that just might be interested in your services. In just a short time they may be able to pass your business card along to someone who is a great connection for you and your business.

Become a Referral Resource By working on assisting others to make connections with other contacts you have made, you will become known as a person interested in the success of others. This will allow you to set yourself up as a referral resource; a person with connections.

Remember, often times our successes are built because of who we know and not what we know. By building networking skills and your networking database, you will soon learn how true this statement is. Utilize all these tools together with your dynamic elevator speech and you will be on the road to a thriving business.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Yvonne Weld is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Thriving Business and is the owner of ABLE Virtual Assistant Services. Have you truly created a thriving business? Could your business survive any obstacle thrown at it? For your FREE Preview Manual and for more information about The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Thriving Business and how you can ensure you have truly created a thriving business, visit the Web site at

About the Author

Yvonne Weld is the owner of Canadian based ABLE Virtual Assistant Services and the author of "The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Thriving Business". For more information visit

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