Show Some Cleavage

by Laurie Dart

If you want to draw people to your Web site, you’ve got to show some cleavage. What do I mean by that? Well, you want people to do a double-take when they get to your site. It should be pleasing to the eye and have copy with substance. You only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your reader. Take advantage of those precious seconds by showing some cleavage.

It doesn’t matter what you “sell” on your Web site – service or product – the idea is the same. Use action words in your copy. Don’t say “we can”, say “we will”. Don’t say – “If you want to – say pick up the phone today.” Tell your customers what you want them to do. We live in a society where we are accustomed to people telling us what to do and as long as they do it convincingly and not insultingly, we often do it. As a business owner, you decide what it is you want your customers to do.

Start by showing the benefits of your product or service. How can it make their life better? Can it make them stronger, smarter, younger, or slimmer? Will it grow hair, remove rust, fight decay or make them money. Lead them down the road you want them to travel. Tease them. Show them how you can help. Make them want your service or product.

Your sales copy should be written with your customer in mind. Use short active words in the present tense. Don’t stuff your Web site with garbage; make sure you provide substance for your reader. Include things that you know they will find interesting and useful. Giving away information helps establish recognition and awareness.

Once you’ve given them a glimpse of what you have to offer and teased them a bit, it’s time to deliver. Make sure you deliver!! It you told them they’ll be stronger, smarter, younger, or slimmer by using your product or service – make sure they are! Nothing dooms a business faster than making claims they can’t live up to.

Customers will feel betrayed if they’ve been led down a path only to be let down. Whether it’s your service or your product, make sure you follow through with your customers. A happy customer is a walking advertisement for your business. An unhappy customer spreads gloom wherever they go.

Excite your customers by giving them a glimpse of what you’ve got and how it can help them. Use action words to lead them down the path you want to travel and then tell them what to do – whether it’s signing up for your mailing list, buying your product or calling for a consultation. Mostly importantly, be sure to follow through because no one likes a tease. Keep your copy focused on the benefits your customers receive and you’ll be writing wisely.

About the Author

Laurie Dart, author and owner of Writing Wisely provides writing and editing services to entrepreneurs and small business owners. To improve your writing, visit the Web site:

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