Why Businesses Should Use Banner Stands On Exhibitions

by Jamie Simpson

Using Banner Stands at Exhibitions for a Professional Image

When presentation is everything, investing in professional design for your marketing tools is essential. Utilizing banner stands at exhibitions and trade shows ensures that when your company is being represented among competitors it stands apart from the crowd. Along with a stunning visual display that effectively captures the eye, banner stands also offer the following benefits:

Increased Brand Recognition. A strong branding program is at the core of any organization's connection with the public, and a banner stand can play a pivotal role in reaffirming brand trust at public exhibitions. Providing an anchor for your display with trademarks, logos, company slogans and photos of popular products, they serve as the perfect canvas for expanding the reach of your business's image.

Streamlined Display Design. Banner stands add a sense of cohesion to a display, offering a primary theme for booths and tables that simplifies overall design efforts. Without the added trouble of complicated layout planning, vendors can focus on connecting with visitors and honing in on the tasks that matter most.

Added Professionalism. Visitors to exhibitions are often lured by countless booth holders, many promoting similar products and services. Using a modern banner stand to demonstrate your dedication to a professional presentation is one way to set your company on a higher level and gain the attention and respect of passersby looking for not only something different, but a guarantee of quality and commitment to excellence.

Easy Set-Up. Lightweight and portable, banner stands can often be set up with just a single person and easily transported in shoulder carrying cases before and after events. Many can be rolled for more convenient storage, and vendors are often pleasantly surprised to find that their entire display, with full-size banner and stand, can be transferred from one scheduled affair to the next in a standard compact car.

Re-Usable Materials. Becoming a vendor once required costly wood frame booths that were difficult to reuse after the event ended. Banner stands, however, can be safely stored and brought out again and again for beautiful future displays.

Cost Effective Results. Banner stands are one of the most efficient exhibition promotional tools on the market. Eliminating many of the traditional set-up hassles associated with exhibition attendance while simultaneously improving the visual display, they offer small business owners, non-profits, and large organizations alike a variety of size options in a wide range of styles to meet the demands of any budget.

Highly customizable and versatile, banner stands guarantee vendors the benefits of a professionally designed display without the costs once associated with a successful booth. Today businesses and causes of all sizes can take advantage of these vibrant marketing tools to ensure the best possible return on investment for their promotional needs at conventions, trade shows, expos, and all events where presenting their image well visually is key.

About the Author

For more information on banner stands visit http://www.marlerhaley.co.uk/

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