The Mind Wealth Report #1

“You create your own reality through the power of your mind"

by One Path


Dear Reader,

This report is meant to assist you on your present journey through life.

Many words have already been written about the mind as the source of wealth. Nothing that you read in this report is new. My purpose for writing this report is to remind you of your wealth.

This report serves only as a reminder of things you already know, but have perhaps forgotten.

In life sometimes you are reminded of things that you think that you do not already know. Yet, in every one of those instances, you discover that ultimately, it is you who are reminding yourself.

You have come to this report to remind yourself of this one thing:

“You create your own reality through the power of your mind”

Others have expressed this message with more eloquence than I. Nevertheless, I hope that this report will serve as a life changing reminder that you control your life.

This report is not intended to provide the ultimate answer leading to successful living. It is intended as a reminder that you are already succeeding.

There is nothing more satisfying than remembering how life works and sharing what you have remembered with others. I thank you for playing a part in allowing me to do something that makes me feel useful and valuable.


One Path


Who is this Report intended for?

This report is intended for anyone who is interested in experiencing wealth. It matters not who you are. It matters not what walk of life you come from.

Who Are You?

A mother or a father? A man or a woman? An employee or a business owner? A teacher or a student? A boss or a worker?

Depending on who you come to define yourself as, you begin to identify the reality from which you live.

Maybe, if we saw ourselves from a different perspective, we might begin to experience our-selves differently?

Who Are We?

American? European? Africans? Christian? Muslim? Enemies? Allies?

This question is at the heart of every experience we have ever had as a people.

Maybe if we begin to think of ourselves differently, we might begin to have different experiences in life.

Who You Are = Who You Say You Are

Depending on what you tell yourself to believe about yourself and your life, you draw to you every experience in your life.

Are you poor or are you wealthy? Are you happy or are you unhappy? Are you a victim to life’s misfortunes or are you the recipient of life’s abundance?

Who Do You Think Yourself To Be?

Are you not a creative being? How do you suppose you got to these words? Do you believe that you are here by accident?

If you want to know why your life is the way it is, find out who you believe yourself to be.

If you are now telling yourself that you are here by coincidence, you will feel as if you are not responsible for this moment. You might feel powerless in the face of your circumstance.

Yet, you are here to remember that you are creating your own experience of yourself in this world.

If you are not satisfied with what you are experiencing in your life, you can change it.

You are here to decide who you will be in this world.


I’m not a doctor or a psychologist or a scientist or any type of behavioral expert, so I will not even attempt to spell out in detail how the mind operates.

Instead, I will use laymen’s terms:

What you put into the mind determines your reality. Another, more common way of expressing this same idea is:

“garbage in, garbage out”

When I speak of the mind, I speak of that aspect of you that is consciousness.

When I speak of consciousness, I speak of that aspect of you that recognizes that you are alive.

Your mind is a tool. It is your creative tool.

You use your mind to create your reality.

One of the most important functions of the mind is to provide you with vision.

The mind allows you to venture to realities beyond the reality you presently experience through your five senses.

To be able to use your sense of vision creatively, you must be willing to allow yourself to believe in the impossible, because…

What you now experience as reality is changeable.

You can use the mind to create solutions to every problem you have ever had or will ever have.

The mind can move you from your present reality to the one that you desire:

You can move from being powerless to being powerful; You can move into the reality of who you desire to be; You can move from a reality of being poor to one of being wealthy.


What Is Mind Wealth?

I titled this report Mind Wealth because wealth is born within the mind. Wealth exists first in the mind before it is materialized in your reality.

The measure of wealth in your life is proportionate to the worth that you perceive in your-self and your world.

It follows then that your reality is a reflection of wealth as you perceive of it in your mind.

What is the key to wealth?

Your mind is the key.

Whatever you lack in your present reality corresponds with a lack of an equivalent representation in the mind.

To discover what others have called ‘the secret of wealth,’ you focus on expanding your thoughts and ideas of wealth...

You crowd out old thoughts and ideas so that your mind is occupied only with thoughts and ideas of wealth…

At first, you will find this difficult to do because what you will are attempting to do is to deprogram the mind.

It is like trying to: Start healthy eating habits when you are in the habit of eating only junk foods; Stay organized when you are used to being disorganized; Get in shape when you have not exercised in years; Believe that you are beautiful when you have always believed that you are ugly.

The mind can be trained to hold new thoughts that support your vision of wealth.


When can you begin the training your mind for wealth?

Now! Now! Now!

I’m sure that you’ve probably already heard this expression or something similar to it: All there is now.

To fully comprehend this expression, you must first decide Who you are. Then, you must decide When you are.

It might now seem to you that this Report is repeating itself. If so, this is good because this report exists as a reminder.

Where does the definition self begin and end?

You may now imagine that the answer to the question who are you, can be answered by stating your name, or your occupation, or your nationality, or your race, or your gender…

Yet, have you ever considered the possibility that you may also be things that you believe you are not?

The mind allows you to recognize your-self in ways you have up until this moment not believed you are.

If you believe that you are poor, the mind will allow you to conceive of a new reality of wealth.

You may now imagine that the answer to the question who are you, is that you are a failure or a victim to particular circumstances in your life.

Yet, have you considered the possibility that it is not your circumstances that define you, but you who define yourself?

The mind allows you to experience yourself as how you could be.

The reason why “now is all there is” is because you are all things. The reason why “now is all there is” is because you exist in this moment to explore and experience the riches that you conceive from the mind.

The mind allows you to recognize your-self as the parts of you that you wish to experience.

You can choose to experience your-self in whatever way you desire, regardless of who you have been.

But first, you must allow yourself to believe in the possibility of the reality of your dreams coming true.


Where do dreams come true?

Do you believe in the idea of dreams coming true?

Do you believe in the idea of your dreams coming true?

Where else do dreams unfold, but here?

When else do dreams unfold, but now?

Or is there another time, other than now, for you to be as you have always desired to be?

Life is a journey…and what you dream about your life is your map. You are here on this earth on a journey.

Your dream is your map.

There will be twists and turns along the way, but always you have your map (your dreams) to follow.

What are your dreams?

If your dreams aren’t clear to you may feel:

lost and powerless; as if you drifting from moment to moment with no where to land;like having someone else take the lead, or purposeless

Yet, you are not lost because you have brought your-self here to these words.

You are not powerless because now you are re-assuming your power.

You have purpose because you have made up your mind to take the lead.

As you read these words you begin to remember that:

You do not need these words.

You only believe that you need them.

The truth is that you are already wealthy. The truth is that you are already succeeding. The truth is that you are perfection.

To see the perfection, you must step back and look at the whole picture.

You have to be willing to zoom out and take in the whole picture of life playing itself out.

This is the process of remembering. It is what you are doing right now in this instant.


Why aren’t things turning out like you want them to? Why is there so much suffering? Why are we here? Why even ask why?

When we ask why, we create a new door on our journey. When we find answers, we open the door and walk through it.

There is no right answer and there is no wrong answer to any question.

The mind allows you to create a new door at any point in your journey.

Why even ask why?

We ask why because it is part of the journey.

We ask why:

to figure out where we are; to remember who we are; to decide what we will do next in our journey; to decide when we are ready for a different experience; to decide how we will be as move onward.

A world without questions=A world without answers.


You are already wealthy.

You may not always see this if your mind is filled with thoughts of lack.

Change may seem impossible, but the first step to change is: believing that although it seems impossible, it is possible.

Change is possible, now, in this moment.

You can change in endless ways simply by:

Deciding who you are

You do not have to continue being who you have been, or who you have always believed you are.

You are a creative being.

You create through the power of the mind.

Your mind is your creative tool box.

Within it, you have access to:

Your past, your present, and your future.

The mind has endless doorways.

The doorway to your past is always there for you to refer to. The doorway to your past exists as your framework and background.

The doorway to your future is accessed through your intention. The doorway to your future exists as potential.

In between the doorway of your past and the doorway of your future, is the present.

The present exists as opportunity.

The present is the part of your journey where experience things as real.

The past and the future are concepts of reality. They exist in the mind.

Wealth is a concept. It exists in the mind.

Your reality reveals what is your mind.

You change your reality by changing your mind about it.

If you believe that you are lost, change your mind about that!

Say to yourself: I am found! And, so you are.

You are who you say are.

If you believe that you are hopeless, change your mind about that!

Walk yourself through a new doorway where you are no longer hopeless.

Do it now!

You have the power.

You have the tools.

You have the wealth.

You have come here to remind yourself of these things.

You brought yourself to these words.

You have chosen a new doorway.

Will you paint a new future to step into?

You are already on the journey.

You were never not on it.

Nothing that is being said here is new to you.

It is a reminder of things you already know.

These words will not cause you to understand anything new. Yet, perhaps they will propel you to move towards what you dream of as fulfillment.

This has been intention for writing this report.

And so too, may it be your intention for reading this report.

Only you can decide.

If You Like: “The Mind Wealth Report,” you will Love: A Path to Living Your Dreams: An Invitation to Power, Peace and Love. By: One Path

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About the Author

Dynamic and entertaining, the author has a talent for communicating powerful messages. Born in Tanzania, East Africa, she is now a resident of N.J. She has a B.A. in Economics and Spanish from Rutgers University. Her passion is to live the life of her dreams and to inspire others to do the same. mailto:

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